Hand Me Downs

A recent encounter with the lotion ladies could be the beginning of my holiday spirit.  That would mean it’s super early this year.

I was at Walgreens, my favorite putzing around convincing myself I need Tic Tacs store, looking for a new lotion.  The lotion I currently use is too expensive and I’m tired of spending that kind of money.  I’m not really sure if it even works all that well.  Lately, I’m taking stock in the things I buy, especially products.  I’m trying to figure out if I spend money on them because someone told me they were the best, or if they really are the best.  I’m looking at the products my grandparents used, seeing if maybe simple is better.

Anyway, I’m standing in the lotion aisle when this woman comes around the corner with her mother who is pushing the cart.  She gives me sort of a nasty look and says, “Come on mom, you can go in front of her, she can text somewhere else.”

Both women are older, but still, kind of bitchy, right?

Well, I was on my phone Googling “best body lotions.”  I was not texting and I don’t know what came over me, but I told her I wasn’t texting, said that I was trying to find the best lotion.  She looked at her mother and then back at me.  She said, “Well it’s Nivea of course, everyone knows that.  It’s German.”

“Oh, really?”  I was going for friendly at this point.  “Have you used Nivea before?”  She shot her mother a “this one’s a little slow” look and replied in a thick German accent, “Only since birth.”  They both laughed.  The mother then told me a story about how her mother used it on her and her sisters too.  I’m looking at these two woman and picturing their lives.

Vanities, perfume bottles with the bulb squeeze thing , maybe even a powder puff.  They were instantly cool in a came before me sort of way.  My own personal “here’s what you need to do, honey” consultants.  The three of us stood in the lotion aisle talking about Germany, lotion, and how cocoa butter is really overrated.

Ten minutes later they moved their cart down the aisle, but turned back to tell me I should also try Aquaphor if I have dry elbows or heels.  I thought of saying, “Yeah, my mom already told me that one, ladies, ” but instead I thanked both women for the information and bought a big bottle of Nivea ($10.17).

Why is this a blog post?

I’m not sure, but I got in my car and felt warm, connected somehow to these women.  It felt human.  They gave me something, for free.  Advice.  It was simple, nice, and I was proud of myself that I didn’t take her initial snotty comment and walk off.  They weren’t bitches at all, they were just German, probably wanting to get their shopping done and I was standing in their way.

I felt good driving home.  Excited about my lotion purchase, faith restored in humanity and that whole shared experience, we’re all traveling down the same path, business.  I was sort of cheery, rosy cheeked.

Strange how things can just hit you.  By the way, Nivea…fantastic lotion.

My thoughts from the laundry room. Gute Nacht.

age Christmas good choices life meaning people women

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