Category: beauty


There’s a cactus on the corner by our house. I honestly can’t remember how it got there. After we built our home and the land settled back down from the trauma of construction, this particular cactus ended up on the corner.  Maybe we planted it there, I’m not sure. All I know now is that it is my…

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Light Curtains

I don’t review books.  I work at writing them, read tons of them, but except for the occasional comment on GoodReads, I do not review or critique. Book reviewing, being able to encapsulate an experience within a book so that others can understand, is an art form. There is nothing finer than a good book…

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Warm Wash

I love winter mornings.  They take their time, a slow and easy build to the day.  Summer and Spring mornings are too peppy for me.  They jump right into sunrise with a feisty brush of the moon.  I need time, a few more minutes with night before I have to say goodbye and good morning.…

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Two pretty exciting things happened this weekend. We had a major thunderous, light up the sky lightening, pouring rain, storm last night at around midnight.  It was house shaking incredible.  Our property butts right up against Tonto National Forest, so when I look out the back of my house there’s nothing but desert, trees, cacti,…

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Alpaca Sweater

Paris is that beautiful girl in high school.  The one with the piercing eyes surrounded by abnormally thick, dark, eyelashes.  The girl with the great wardrobe and the older boyfriend that always picks her up after school.  Paris is stunning, sweeping and yet no one really knows her.  She’s distant and a bit untouchable. Peru…

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I was not born distractingly sexy or beautiful. Water doesn’t ripple down my abs and I can barely use a garden hose, but every now and then I look at people that are, for lack of better words, objectified, surface worshiped, and I wonder… Last week I was awakened by some obnoxious radio announcer in my…

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