Tag: Television

Cinched Waist

If I were ever asked to offer one piece of advice, one thing that could change the world, my contribution would be this: Turn off the television. Now, because I’m a wordy woman that nugget would be closely followed by, “stop supporting the fast food industry,” and “if a t-shirt costs less than twenty dollars…

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Michael and I went for breakfast super early yesterday because we dropped our son off at the airport. We were sitting outside with the birds when he said, “Closest descendant of the dinosaur.” “Excuse me?” “Birds, they’re the closest animals to the dinosaurs.” I sipped my tea, thought about that for a minute, listen to the…

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Let me start by saying that I truly, honestly, have no issue with people doing as they like. I believe everyone should be free to love whom they want, look how they want to look.  Really, there’s not much that gets me going, so long as they are not telling me how to live my life. To…

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Ring It Out

I watch Downton Abbey. When I’m in between seasons, it’s like being apart from my super hot British boyfriend who has to return to study at Oxford.  I miss it, I long to return to our time together and nothing else fills the void. I’m not a huge television watcher.  In fact, I rarely watch…

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I’ve been thinking that the airport could be a metaphor for life. I know, enough with the metaphors, but I’m sitting around with tissue sticking out of my nose and Downton Abbey is not providing the same comfort Sesame Street did when I was a child.  So, I turn to thinking and that brings me…

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Sweater Stone

Remember Dana Carvey’s Church Lady? For those of you that are young, Dana Carvey is a comedian.  He was on Saturday Night Live when it was still a very funny show.  His character was a stereotypical…well, church lady.  She was convinced everything was satanic.  It’s hard to explain, so if you have never heard of…

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Stark Colors

Walmart is finally struggling, but Robb Stark is dead.  If that’s not the yin and yang of life, I don’t know what is. My weekend started off with a great article explaining why Walmart is in trouble.  They are having staffing issues and losses in profit and people are not shopping their stores like they…

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Prairie Skirt

I had no idea Prairie Dawn wore days of the week underwear. She’s also a Leo, her birthday is 8/3, and her mother is named Delta (making her Delta Dawn like the song).  I Googled her and found out she’s pretty darn fascinating. When I was younger I was always more of a Miss Piggy…

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Utility Shirt

I watch Dexter. I’m just starting Season 3 and I love it.  I don’t watch it on TV because I hate TV, remember? I buy the seasons and then try to cut myself off so I don’t sit and watch the whole damn thing straight through. Dexter must be the reason I haven’t finished writing my…

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