
I’m making pies this year for Thanksgiving.

If you have never made a pie from scratch, the pumpkin pie is a tough one.  I know it looks like a fairly straightforward pie, but it can be a nightmare.  You need to hit somewhere between smooth, custardy, pudding and earthy, root vegetable, without falling into snotty, runny mess.

This involves decisions about straining, cream and stirring for a long, long time.  I’m married this year to a recipe that instructs to push the whole pumpkin filling through a fine strainer.  That appears to be the secret to a smooth, silky pie.  I convinced myself that this recipe was perfect.

After the first test run on Saturday, I was told that no one really liked it.  What?  Well, you’re wrong because the recipe says right here it is a “perfectly silky pumpkin pie.”  For a few hours I told myself it didn’t matter if they liked it or not, I was going to make my pie exactly the way the recipe instructed.

In the middle of the nightmare that is a pumpkin pie, I’m editing my book.  I read somewhere that one of the mistakes writers make is they fall in love with their words, scenes, or even character choices.  They are not flexible during the editing process and that stubbornness keeps their good book from becoming a great book.  If writer’s are open to change, willing to modify their original manuscript, wonderful things can happen.  Yeah, yeah…

Apparently, I’m stubborn with my writing and my pumpkin pie, but I’m learning.  I ran the second test pumpkin filling through a medium strainer, allowed more bulk into the pie, and…it was a hit.  I modified and though it pains me to say it, it is a better pie.

Now if I can just let go of some of the scenes where my main characters are driving.  I will try to channel my newly found pumpkin prowess, because as much as I love them, these two need to get out of the car.

My thoughts from the laundry room.  Change the Sheets.

baking balance cars driving good choices holidays life writers writing

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