Dirt Stains

I’m stupid silly for our garden lately.

We are growing Swiss chard and tomatoes, three kinds of peppers and cucumbers all from seeds.  Like, buy little seeds in a package, grow them in cups inside and then plant them in the garden.  Now they’re plants.  Real, green plants.

That’s the crazy part, we didn’t buy little plants at Home Depot and plant them.  These were teeny tiny seeds.  How does that happen?  I know it happens all of the time, I did the styrofoam cup thingie.  I’m sure that’s how all those yummy veggies get to the grocery store, but to grow to it right by my own house is…well, it’s glorious.

I can’t stop going out there and looking at these little plants.  The chard is almost big enough to cut and eat.  That’s such an incredible thing for me, growing something that I can eat.  I take road trips, I know about farms and I see farmers growing things all the time, but until recently, it felt like something other people did, professionals.

Growing a garden is powerful, sort of makes me think there’s nothing we can’t do.  I mean if we can get seeds to make themselves into plants…that’s pretty much magic.  We are food producers, farmers, suppliers of sustenance.  No certificate, no degree.  Just work, dirty fingernails and water.  Fantastic.

Throughout my life, I have convinced myself there are so many things I can not do, things I’m not qualified for or have no business doing.

It’s really lovely that one of the most important things in life, providing nourishment, is now right in our side yard.  No wonder Jack was willing to trade his cow for those beans.  Growing things is super cool fairytale stuff.

My thoughts from the laundry room.  Growing tired.

crazy life garden life

16 Comments Leave a comment

  1. “Throughout my life, I have convinced myself there are so many things I can not do, things I’m not qualified for or have no business doing. It’s really lovely that one of the most important things in life, providing nourishment, is now right in our side yard.”
    Enjoyed your post but especially this thought! Always feel satisfied when someone puts into words perfectly a feeling or thought I have owned myself! 🙂

  2. How are we so alike? I’ve been growing some sweetpeas (I know you can’t eat them!) and it makes me feel a little loopy because every time they grow even a little I react like a crazy person. I like watching them grow! I’m thinking of starting some fruit and veg too, but not sure where we can put them in our garden, that might be a project for next year…

  3. I love gardening. From the time I was very young I helped my dad transform our basement into an incubator for lots of seeds in the winter, we moved them to a homemade greenhouse outside in the early spring, and then transplanted them outside when it was time and spent the summer living off fresh organic produce.
    Now, I live in the woods and have yet to set up a gardening system that doesn’t require a lot of critter control. I still do some potted lettuce (from seeds) and tomatoes and peppers in pots, but it’s definitely not the same. Excellent post. Enjoy your rewards!

  4. We attempted to start seeds inside during the winter that would never end, but my son found the cups of tiny sprouts and demolished them. Fingers crossed we can grow them in the ground.

  5. We’re planting our starts this afternoon. There are few things I love more than growing my own food. You’re right – it is exciting stuff! I totally understand the lure of going out and marveling at the little plants as they grow. I do that too : ) Karen

  6. Next time plant “Money Trees”.. Harvest $20’s and $50’s… Mmm.. Good..!! (sorry, couldn’t resist)
    Truly a sense of accomplishment.. Wonderful post.. 🙂

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